Monday, March 15, 2010

Action Steps to take, in order at this time

So, to get this podcast off the ground, I need to do these things, in roughly this order:

1. Make sure my current hosting package has enough room and a way to FTP mp3 files onto the page.

2. Investigate other archive options.

3. Outline my spiritual awakening journey, break it into bite-size pieces

4. Make a list of books to review

5. Investigate how to store my mp3's somewhere besides my computer, so they don't eat up my memory.

6. Research blog directories and choose my top 5 to submit to.

7. Buy a new laptop.

8. Buy Propaganda software.

9. Learn my new laptop.

10. Learn Propaganda software.

11. Create a page on my site to archive the podcasts.

12. Make a list of lightworker business people to interview

13. Contact them and ask for interview and/or free mini coaching session to be recorded

14. Create my first Podcast!

15. Archive it.

16. Post it to my blogs.

17. Submit it to blog directories.

18.  Celebrate my newfound fame!

To be continued...

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